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Animal Muk

This social game requires players to make animal sounds or actions to their opponents. 


To start, performers will be demonstrating six animal sounds common in the Northwest Territories: a seal, a goose, an owl, a black bear, a moose, and a crow. 


The players will forma c circle with one person standing in the middle. The objective of Animal Muk is for the person in the middle ot use only animal sounds or actions to make someone in the outside circle smile or laugh. Eye contact between the person in the middle and the person they selected in the circle must be maintained at all times. If the person in the circle smiles, laughs or breaks eye contact, he or she will take their turn in the middle to make someone else in the circle try to smile or laugh. Players are not allowed any physical contact with their opponents in this social game. 


The performers will now be making animal calls from around the world; a bird, a whale, a horse, a donkey, a goat, and a monkey. This "laughing game" was played during social gathering, especially during the long dark months where blizzards were common. 

Team Animal Mud

Toe hang mimicked freezing your feet which was common in the fall, winter, and spring. 


To start, the participant will be lying on their back on the floor. There will be two stick handlers to lift this participant. The participant will position themselves under the stick with their legs stretched out and feet positioned above the stick. The participant will wrap both arms around their legs behind their knees linking their hands. The participant will position his toes to grip the stick to be lifted. 


The participant will tighten all of his muscles, position his head as close to his legs as possible and say go for the handlers to lift him off the floor with only his toes gripping the stick. Once lifted off the floor, the stick handlers will walk forward for distance or the participant has the option of hanging for time. The participant who goes the furthest distance or hangs for the longest period of time, enduring the most pain, is declared the winner of toe hang. There are no differences in techniques used between male and females. 

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