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One Foot High Kick

The One Foot High Kick is a game that develops an individual's strength, quickness and body control. This kicking game is considered one of the most exciting Northern Games events.


To begin, the participant has three options of how they wish to approach and kick the seal target. They can do a standstill, a walk or run approach to the seal target. Proper technique involves using your arms for momentum and legs to jump straight up. For good balance feet should be shoulder width apart. To start the participant will bend their knees and go down to a sitting position, with both arms swinging behind and above the back. From that point the participant will swing both arms forward and straight up above the head wile pushing off both feet using his leg and calf strength. The participant will jump pushing off both feet, bring the knees together to his chest. The participant, while in the air, will do a kicking motion with their dominant foot pointed forward to kick the seal target. After kicking the seal target, the participant will use his arm momentum, bending his knee and bouncing on the balls of his toes to balance himself to gain control. 


To show balance and control, the participant must hold their stance on that kicking foot for a few seconds or bounce a few times for the attempt to be considered a success. Once all participants kick the set height, the seal target will be raised higher and higher to continue the competition. Participants are given free attempts to kick the seal target. 

Two Foot High Kick


The Two Foot High Kick is a game that develops an individual's strength, quickness and body control. This kicking game is considered one of the most difficult and exciting Inuit traditional event. 


To begin, the participant has three options of how they wish to approach and kick the seal target. They can do a standstill, a walk or run approach to the seal target. Proper technique involves using your arms for momentum and legs to jump straight up. For good balance feet should be shoulder width apart. To start, the participant will bend their knees and go down to a sitting position, with both arms swinging behind and above the back. From that point the participant wills wing both arms forward and straight up above the head while pushing off both feet using his leg and  calf strength. The participant will jump pushing off both feet, bring both knees together to his chest. The participant, while in the air, will do a kicking motion with both feet pointed forward to kick the seal target. After kicking the seal target, the participant will use his arm momentum, bending his knee and bouncing on the balls of his toes to balance himself to gain control. 


To show balance and control, the participant must hold their stance on both feet together for a few seconds or bounce a few times for the attempt to be considered a success. Once all participants kick the set height, the seal target will be raised higher and higher to continue the competition. Ultimately, whoever kicked the highest with proper technique would be declared the winner. Participants are given three attempt to kick he seal target. 

Alaskan High Kick


The Alaskan High Kick was introduced to the Northwest Territories by families travelling from Alaska. Our Inuit ancestors adopted this game and made it their own. The kicking game is considered one of the most technical body movements of the Northern Games events. 


To start, the person is in the sitting position on the floor. Their right leg is stretched out with kicking foot positioned below the seal target. The left hand is placed as close as possible behind their back for support. Once the person has found their target distance, they will bend their right knee with right foot flat on floor. The participant will grab the top part of the left foot with their right hand. 


From this ready position, the participant will all in one motion lift their body and hip as high off the floor as possible. At the same time pulling up their non-kicking foot up and towards the seal target. The right kicking foot will be the last part of the action pushing off the floor with a lot of energy to kick the seal target. Once the person has kicked the seal target, he or she will land on their kicking foot with only the right foot and left hand touching the floor. To show balance and control, they must bounce a few times or hold for a few seconds before letting go.


A participant is allowed three attempts for the Alaskan High Kick. Once everyone has kicked the seal target, it will be raised higher and higher until there is only one remaining competition to be declared the winner. As the seal target gets higher the individual will position himself closer beneath the seal target. 

Kneel Jump

The Kneel Jump is an activity to help improve quickness and balance. This activity did not need very much space for a group to play.


To start, the participant will kneel on the floor, shins flat with feet tucked flat under their buttocks. Knees should be on the designated line marked out. The participant uses his arm movement as a momentum to pendulum the arms up and down to help thrust the body upward and forward. Participants should land on both feet about shoulder width apart or their natural gate, keeping balance one he or she has landed. Each individual has three attempts to successfully jump as far as they can. Officials will take the longest distance of your three attempts as measured by the heels of the foot. 


Swing Kick

The Swing Kick is a game that develops an individuals strength, quickness and body control. 

To start, participants will be sitting on the floor with both knees bent positioned together with feet flat on the floor. A belt will be looped around both knees and placed around the neck. The distance the belt should be from the face to knees is around 3" apart or a fist width from the face to knee. 


With both hands placed flat on the floor at each side of hips, legs stretched out, with the belt looped around the knees and neck, the participant will lift himself off the floor balancing his body so he has a good centre of balance with legs stretched out with feet together toes pointed forward. The participant will start to pendulum back and forth o hit the seal target with both feet. once the participant has hit the seat target, he will maintain balance with only his hands touching the floor or he can have his hands and feet touching the floor for a few seconds before letting go. Each participant will have three attempts to hit the target. 


Stick Twists

The Stick Twist helps the individual learn about his body and what muscles he is not using enough of. This game is a lot of fun to play with groups. 


To start, the participant is in the standing position with the stick positioned behind the back and with the palms facing forward.


From this position, the participant must put the stick over the top of the head to the front of his or her body without letting go of the stick. The participant lowers the stick to the floor and puts the stick in between visor her legs, puts his or her foot over the stick, then pulls the stick over his or her body from which he/she puts his/her foot through without letting go of stick. From that point they put both legs, one at a time, back to the front before bringing the stick back over the head to the start position. 

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